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Buyer Receives Fake Core i9-13900K With i7-13700K Guts From Amazon (tomshardware.com)
10 points by cainxinth 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

> The fact that you're buying a product from a big retailer, such as Amazon or Newegg, can sometimes give you a certain level of confidence.

This comment seems to belie the fact that the author knows that Amazon and Newegg are not merely retailers, but marketplaces. And it is caveat emptor when purchasing from a marketplace seller. I tend to stick to my guns and never purchase third-party. I bend this rule sometimes, if the seller is a stable and reputable brand name. Also, sometimes you get kinda surprised. I noticed this week that Wal*Mart's "Retailer" filters do not filter out third party sellers at all, so you need to check your cart every step of the way. Sleazy, isn't it.

I’m located in the US. Of the last 4 pieces of media I’ve bought on Amazon, one was a misprint that should have been destroyed, two were marked as for sale only in India, and one was an EU market copy. All were marked as new. I returned all of them and found the same product locally within three blocks of my apartment for the same price I paid on Amazon.

I’m surprised the big publishers (both print and gaming) such as Pearson and Nintendo aren’t putting more pressure on Amazon.

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