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I'm more curious about what time you go to bed at night?

My current job requires me to get up at 7am. I usually go to bed at 12pm but always feel sleep deprived.

Actually in bed, trying to fall asleep, at 23:00 is typical. I'd prefer to get in bed at 22:00 but my wife is a night owl, so this is a compromise for us.

Some sleep deprivation does accumulate to the point that I might turn off my alarm and sleep until 7:00 (when our kids are trained to get up) and skip running some mornings, but I hate doing that; I immediately feel like I've fallen behind schedule so the morning becomes more stressful, and I'm mad that I didn't get any exercise on top of it.

Get ear plugs and a sleep mask. Don't allow her to demand you stay up with her. Although really the compromise should be she should leave the bedroom until she's ready to sleep, but I get some people will not always agree to that not even for the comfort of their partner.

I wake up at 6AM like this person. I go to sleep around 10PM. Honestly, the best approach is to wake up at whatever time every single day even on weekends and then get to bed when you are tired after 7PM. If you keep doing this you will naturally find your appropriate bed time after about 2 weeks. Most people just botch this because they sleep in on weekends and destroy their body's attempt to set a cycle.

Yes. Earlier in life, especially before having kids, my job required me to be up closer to 5:00 and then on weekends my wife and I would sleep until maybe 8:00. That back-and-forth every week, trying to get back into the routine on Sunday night into Monday morning, was terrible. Now I'll get up at 6:00 and run even on holidays.

Starting to get up early will just suck for the first couple of days. I think there's no way around that.

Maybe........go to bed before 12 and see how you feel? Seems obvious.

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