And who says he never did do that? You think he never came across people who were too risky to try to save? Why wasn't he able to save all the jews?
My point was that it's pretty far fetched for anyone to believe InclinedPlane would risk his life saving slaves when he won't even risk his career trying to legally torpedo the original poster's workplace. It's posturing, nothing more.
Schindler saved a bunch of Jews. More than zero, which is what would have happened if all he said was "hang in there." It's not like your choice is between learning how to cope and trying to assassinate Hitler. There are many options in the middle, with varying levels of commitment required. Calling out bad behavior when you see it is one of them.
My point was that it's pretty far fetched for anyone to believe InclinedPlane would risk his life saving slaves when he won't even risk his career trying to legally torpedo the original poster's workplace. It's posturing, nothing more.