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90% of Companies Will Return to Office by the End of 2024 (resumebuilder.com)
9 points by Plasmoid 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Belief is not a quantifiable metric outside Bayesian statistics.

Andy was asked to show the data to support RTO, for a company that boasts how it uses data to make decisions the S-team not only isn't using them and relies on unquantifiable metrics, but is unable to even provide them, or at least so it claims.

Shame that other companies are going down this road, though tbh it's more likely incompetence driving execs down this road but I digress.

Looking forward to the showdown between wfo, wfh, hybrid, and all the hybrid spin-offs in the next 5 years. Covid shattered the old 5/day wfo consensus and now we're in uncharted territory, and it's going to be really interesting to see what becomes the new normal.

Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a sustained diversity of models and allowing people to join companies which fits what they are looking for.

It's a wonderful thing for me, I tell you: my start date was May 19, 2020, and as such, my position was office-free from the start. In fact, during a round of layoffs last year, my employer permanently closed all their offices nationwide, except for East Coast HQ and one overseas, so at this point, none of us have anywhere to RTO to!

Just watch out for those work from homers, they might take over the world.

fine ill do a startup

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