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> is that not an obvious copyright infringement?

No, it is absolutely not.

Let's do the same hypothetical that you brought up and using other people's art, but instead are model just takes 1 single pixel from 1 million images.

Taking 1 single pixel from a million images, or the first letter from every book, and putting it into a new work is transformative fair use.

Transformative fair use is legal.

> Just because the output is 50% image A and 50% image B, or 0.1% image A and 0.1% image B and 99.8% image C, doesn't suddenly make it OK.

It quite literally does! Using .1% percent of an image is legal.

The amount of work that you take from someone else is one of the 4 factors of fair use.

Yes, the specific example you gave falls under what the courts literally use right now as one of the factors!

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