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Yes, I'm saying over a couple years I can think of a few times where I had notable trouble. It's not great, but it's not on my top 10 list of troubles. It's also not terribly different from my historical experiences with webex and other similar software. Multi-person video chat tends to find the weak points (slow vpn, using during os updates, etc).

>lol, okay. so it's basically flawless.

I never understand what this kind of snark is meant to do. I didn't say anything like that at all.

just so we're on the same page, you think having to kill and restart while you're in or trying to join a chat or meeting doesn't count as notable trouble, because after all you were able to join eventually?

Comparatively, it our current world of mostly shitty software, occasionally having to restart my meeting software is not something I worry about much. Perhaps you meet more often than I do, so it's of relatively higher importance.

I don't think it matters how often you want to meet. When you do, you should want it to work. We're not talking about a side feature either, this is software for having meetings.

Microsoft is one of the wealthiest companies on this planet with decades upon decades of experience in software. Let's not pretend like their willingness to cut corners wherever they can and compromise on quality, as long as the profits keep coming in, is anything but an affront. Controlling the whole stack should make it easier to do this, but in reality monopolies have the opposite effect because capitalism has these averse incentives baked in. Yet another reason to bring back aggressive antitrust enforcement, i.e. break up big tech.

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