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Without medication, I feel much less in control of my mind. It's like I'm in a mind-fog; every long-term thought is blurry and vague so everything tends to become about the short-term. I know that eating this sugary garbage is bad for me but the immediate dopamine gratification massively outweighs that knowledge. Same with tasks I know I need to complete. I know that doing them is the correct thing to do and that procrastinating on them will not be beneficial for me overall, but I just can't "see" that future in my mind.

I don't think this is caused by my environment. Feeling like you are unable to think a clear thought is not because clear thoughts conform with modern society's ideas of a highly productive an obedient individual. For me it's simply a feeling of not being a whole human. Medication addresses this to a very significant degree, although it's by no means a complete fix.

I also use glasses, and I find similarities there. Without them my eyesight is blurry and I cannot see things beyond a very short distance. Are glasses simply producing normative behavior that conforms with modern society's idea of a highly productive and obedient individual? Is it really the environment that is causing me to think of bad eyesight as an issue to be addressed? Obviously not; being able to see clearly is something you want regardless of environment. I think that the same applies to being able to think clearly.

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