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You're getting downvoted because it's clear you simply don't comprehend the arguments you're allegedly responding to and are projecting your own straw men to make your (non-)points.

I'm curious what the purpose of your comment is, to further sneer at me out of disagreement? HN's culture has been steadily changing from one of operators to one of users for a long time now. I knew this would be an unpopular sentiment. Though my comment did go up and then down, so it's obviously a controversial one.

It's also not wrong to feel angry when expectations change. If a Dollar General in your area raises prices, it puts pressure on local residents who may have just barely been staying solvent. Through no fault of their own, those residents now have even more financial stress on them. This is why economics is a complicated field; things like interest rate regimes have broad knock-on effects on the economy and create winners and losers that under different regimes may have never emerged.

I'm not speaking to the validity of your points per se, just to the framing as some kind of response to an argument no one is making.

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