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Metallic spheres on Pacific floor are interstellar, Harvard professor finds (usatoday.com)
10 points by djdetf 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Here is the paper linked in the piece


Note: That is not the Avi Loeb paper, but it is reported to have been submitted about his work.

A diary of that research trip is here


Related Wikipedia


Oh it's Avi Loeb, head of the astronomy department at Harvard. Here's a youtube about what his deal is, by an astronomer who studied astronomy through postdoc level and then left for industry and doing some youtubes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY985qzn7oI

I was gonna post a link to one of those helpful meteorite flowcharts, but then I realized that xkcd does it succinctly: https://xkcd.com/1723/

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