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Apple to Buy TSMC's Entire Supply of 3nm Chips for 2023 (macrumors.com)
25 points by alwillis 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Interesting, but not totally surprising given what they did with TSMC's 5nm production. 2023 is not a very long window for exclusivity either, which makes me wonder if we'll see it anywhere other than the iPhone. It's certain that AMD and Nvidia are sampling the node right now too, so the really curious part will be the supply breakdown in 2024, for me.

They aren't buying exclusivity as the headline implies. The other people who were going to buy 3nm couldn't get their act together. TSMC is shrinking their projected # of 3nm wafers for the year.

> due to delays in Intel's wafer needs owing to later modifications to the company's CPU platform design plans.

Apple was at 90% before Intel's delay. Which is interesting, and I wonder if the experience working with another foundry will help inform Intel's foundry services.

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