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China behind ‘largest ever’ digital influence operation (politico.eu)
10 points by isaacfrond 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Here is the original report from Meta - https://www.politico.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/29/NEAR-F...

I personally think HN might have been targeted (though Meta isn't announcing the smaller forums).

I've been cross-referencing splices of some of the talking points mentioned within the document and cross comparing with post history over the past 5 years, and there does seem to be some artificial conversations by low karma (sub-500) accounts, as well as by some higher karma accounts.

In fact, one example Meta found was posted ALMOST WORD FOR WORD TWO TIMES on HN - "The Diplomat Magazine Exposed Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui"

@Dang you should potentially look into this, or maybe considering changing certain norms and rules about discussions in HN.

I believe using @ doesn't do much and instead people are told to reach out through the HN email.

> I personally think HN might have been targeted (though Meta isn't announcing the smaller forums).

Perhaps. I'm sure most countries target all social media for 'influence'. But you hardly ever see pro-china 'influence'. 99% of the online 'influence' is anti china or anti-ccp. I'd love to see who is behind that as that's the real problem online.

99% of online propaganda is anti-china, anti-russia, etc. But the propagandists say pro-china or pro-russia online 'influence' is the problem. Hmmm.

> 99% of online propaganda is anti-china, anti-russia, etc.

Please cite a source for this claim.

i constantly see articles about China or Russia abusing social media.

However there are like no articles about western firms that offer these services commercially to Oil companies, billionairs and sometimes to China and Russia too.

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