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I don't think you have a good understanding of what is going on in Germany. 20% of the German population currently want to vote for a fascist who likes to cite right wing terrorists, thinks Hitler wasn't all bad and wants to deport everyone whose grandparents aren't German, so how can you say "Right wing people are being censored"? This guy is on state television all the time.

>This guy is on state television all the time.

I wasn't talking about right wing nutjobs getting screen time, I was talking about having sane right leaning discussion with people, which you can't because you're automatically pointed to the Afd nutjobs on TV as being representative for what you're trying to say, even though you have no connection to those people.

I would love to hear more about those "sane right leaning opinions" for which you get attributed to afd.

> I wasn't talking about right wing nutjobs getting screen time

You mean like Friedrich Merz, who coined the term "Sozialtourismus" ("social (welfare) tourism")? Horst Seehofer, the previous minister of the interior, who called migration the "mother of all problems in this country"? Last time I checked even the left treated them as "serious politicians" regardless of ther character.

The question really is what is it that you think you can't have a "sane right leaning discussion" about anymore? Usually when I hear people say that, it's about topics like race and IQ (and why we should treat people of different races differently because of that), sex differences (and why we should treat people of different sexes differently because of that), hetero- vs homosexuality (and why we should treat people with different sexual orientations differently because of that), poor people underachieving (and why we should treat them worse because of that) or trans people (and why we should treat them as sexual perverts).

If it's any comfort to you: I live in the North-West of Germany and most people I know think there's some meaningful difference between races (but we shouldn't treat people of other races worse for it), some meaningful difference between sexes (but we shouldn't treat people of other sexes worse for it), homosexuality is kinda icky and abnormal (but we shouldn't treat them worse for it), poor people are mostly at fault for where they are in life (but we should still generally support them) and trans people are weird freaks (but we should still treat them somewhat respectfully). I'm decidedly to the left of all of these stances and you can find plenty of people to have a "right leaning discussion" about these issues with, though I can't vouch for the sanity of it or how far right it will lean. I suspect the same is true in the South and especially the East of Germany, and even city centers like Berlin or Hamburg.

What I find the most absurd is how people belonging to a discriminated group actively participate in the discrimination sometimes. This is especially true for poor people. Just try to convince poor people that a tax on inheritance above X million euros would be fair, most of them have fought me hard. Everyone believes in the lie of permeable social levels, e.g. from dishwasher to millionaire.

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