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> we need fiction that confronts the climate crisis and shows people taking positive action to change the world for the better.

Like Termination Shock?


I really prefer Ministry to termination shock. I mean, it's a fun book, but it offers no solution (eg sulphur seeding does nothing for ocean acidification, not to mention termination shock). The fact that people read it and thing it offers a solution is puzzling. Now Anathem is another matter! Brilliant! (although again I have quibbles).

Anathem is my favorite too. There is so much there and I keep encountering things it fictionalalized. For example, I wasn’t really familiar with the Everettian many worlds interpretation of quantum physics until after I read it. Likewise it’s treatment of the analemma as something coming before the splitting points of the different worlds and interpretable by all since the axis and orbital elipse would constitute a planetary signature.


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