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Paper drinking straws may be harmful and may not be better for the environment (sciencedaily.com)
21 points by doener 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Been discussed on hacker news before.

I think it’s good to highlight the presence of PFAS in straws, but I don’t think the conclusion is that paper straws are bad. I seriously doubt that it contributes to significantly more PFAS in our body or in nature.

We should be banning use of PFAS in general, and set stricter requirements for testing materials that are replacing them.

I don't even know what papers straws try to solve other than becoming a meme for opponents of environmentalism. If the lids are still plastic, just have a sipping hole there just like with coffee.

Boba tea, milkshakes, smoothies, and all similar drinks are awful without straws and would not have their problems solved with a lid like that.

All drinks are awful with paper straws, so maybe studies like this will free us from this hell and people will focus their energies on much bigger problems that relate to climate change.

Lately, paper straws now comes in a plastic wrapper. :-/

I'd rather take a paper straw from a dispenser, just like we did during the 1950s, preferably manufactured with papers made during the 1950s.

Sounds like oil company FUD!

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