>He had no fear. He would always say, “We can’t fight it and eventually we all have to go sometime.” For the several years prior, we’d drive past the cemetary he was going to be buried at, as it was on the way to his doctor’s appointments, and I’d say to him, “That’s where you’re going to lie for an eternity.” And he would say, “Don’t remind me.” The last time I drove him to the hospital and we were driving past, I said the same thing to him. And this time, he said to me, “I think I’m ready.”
>He had no fear. He would always say, “We can’t fight it and eventually we all have to go sometime.” For the several years prior, we’d drive past the cemetary he was going to be buried at, as it was on the way to his doctor’s appointments, and I’d say to him, “That’s where you’re going to lie for an eternity.” And he would say, “Don’t remind me.” The last time I drove him to the hospital and we were driving past, I said the same thing to him. And this time, he said to me, “I think I’m ready.”
Read if you dare... https://confessionsoftheprofessions.com/the-cuban-missile-cr...