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> That's very easy to say until it's your partner, mother/father, or child on the other side of that assertion.

There is a difference between living longer/forever and giving a child with terminal cancer a normal full life

What is that difference?

Living forever and living longer shouldn't be grouped together; living forever means unbounded existence and unbounded consumption over time. That's a fundamental paradigm shift for our entire system of being human.

Saving extending the lives of more children is unfortunately, a statistics change for our current world. Unlimited life means all models of economics, morality generally, class, etc will be affected.

But no one is truely going to live forever. They'll die from disease or accident or murder.

Everyone dies man.

Our cells live forever, despite the support "clumps" they create in the process eventually die off.

> Unlimited life means all models of economics, morality generally, class, etc will be affected.

That's also going to happen with automation — and I don't just mean AI, as it has been happening continuously since the power loom led to Karl Marx inventing Communism, or possibly even earlier with the social and technological changes of Adam Smith's era and the end of feudalism.

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