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Unions have these things that you might of heard of... elections, where you can elect your leadership. How much democracy is for employees in a corporation?

In the union that I was represented by you had to pay extra money to be a voting member. So for people like me that didn't like the union they still forcibly took some of my money but without any chance for me to vote on how they spent it.

What was the "forcibly" part?

No possible way to work for that employer and opt out of the fees. It was illegal for me to make an employment contract with my employer without them getting a cut.

And who forced you to work for that employer?

this depends on the country actually.

A lot of countries have work's council[0] enshrined into law. Which actually means you have some form of democratic control over what a company wants to do.

i am still bewildered the US has nothing of the sort... in any kind of way.

0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Works_council

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