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This is not, in any way, a direct response to my comment.

Sure it does. Most of the responses on posts like these are simply aping industry talking points, where the "industry" in question is the academic/philanthropic complex. They spend vast amounts on propaganda to ensure public support for their work.

I wouldn't say most. And I'm no fan of echo chambers. We have to expect a certain amount of industry support in any mainstream social context.

The notion that the problem is the "academic/philanthropic complex" comes directly out of the same industry imagineering and is a common misdirect providing talking points that lead away from industrial disruption.

In other words, it sounds to me like you (or to be fair and more accurate: people who use similar arguments) are critical of mainstream misdirection but possibly unaware that they've also been just as duped.

In basic terms this point works, otherwise it wouldn't be a good ruse. The academy is easily corrupted and non-profits are mostly total shit. These are not trivial points to make in the picture. But they aren't paramount at all. They are not the cause and changing them will not solve our problem.

I made that term up on the spot, but you seem pretty sure I must just be mentally Xeroxing things I heard elsewhere. But it's not the case. I reached my conclusions based on my own research and by discovering things like the AP story, where the AP themselves express extreme discomfort with the level of corruption the org has stooped to. It wasn't an oil company that told me that.

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