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High Crime Forces San Francisco Federal Employees to Work Remotely (sfchronicle.com)
35 points by gw67 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Everyone leaves leaving only the criminally inclined behind. Maybe this will work eventually.

Maybe we can nationally just start deporting all the criminals to San Francisco, like Australia.

Where's Snake Plissken when you need him?

If only there were an island near San Francisco we could use as a prison.

Australia worked because the criminals were able to use a lot of unused land for sheep farming (and also stole some from natives). Now neither new land will be found in SF nor will the 'natives' be displaces.

If this is true, in the end the crimals will take over all the cities with nice weathers. It's kinda hilarious

It's no secret that the homeless often migrate to more temperate climates, and more often than not, they stay there.

I’m having lunch down the street right now. There’s nothing forcing them to work remotely.

It’s not THAT bad here. Different and a bit more dangerous than most places. More hectic, dirtier, homelessness, drug use, etc.

Some of the people on the street have hearts of gold. They deserve a narrative too.

But hey, if these negative stories keep undesirables (read: suburban people who complain about everything) out of the city, I don’t mind.

Not enjoying lawlessness and dangerous, dirty conditions with drug use nearby is "complaining about everything" now.

Exactly right. If you could make it in 1980s/90s NY, you can make it here. If it isn’t for you, that’s fine.

Bro really said 80s/90s NY. I'm aghast.

I mean there are people making it in Kabul, doesn't mean that anyone who complains about it is a pansy.

Pipe down you surburb dweller! /s

They just want the simple convenient narrative that all those people are "criminals" instead of the more accurate view that the city (and country) has neglected its responsibility to care for the citizens for so long that the resulting human suffering has become too large to convincingly hide by sweeping it under the rug. Give those people affordable housing, quality mental health care services, and well-paying jobs and there basically wouldn't be a problem anymore.

People (outsiders or not) should be complaining about the conditions in the city, but those complaints should be directed at the failure of the government to provide basic things like healthcare and housing, not at the addicts and homeless people who are sick and vulnerable doing whatever they can to get by.

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