After I scrolled through the article looking for something concrete, I clicked on "Best Go books for 2023", and found that 5 of 6 books in the list were by the same person - which, unsurprisingly, is also the owner of the website. I think this site needs a bit less self-promotion and a bit more actually helpful content...
The article introduces the concept of Tao as following the natural tendency of things, but then arbitrarily defines principles on how to program (and has nothing to do with Go specifically).
I would have been more interested in the "actual Tao": the patterns that naturally emerge from the language's design (if there are any).
Is TypeScript a clear violation of Tao then, going against the "typeless" (not really) nature of JavaScript?
It’s been a middle-class white boy meme since Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It’s ridiculous, but it’s so embedded in Western culture by now I find it hard to get exercised about it.
in the mood of asian fetishisation, are we? i can't, in good conscience read it in any other way. why should you read programming from the lens of this side? is, say, seneca's stoicism not cool enough for you? how about you talk about the phenomenon of if (err!=nil) return err; repetition from the perspective of lovecraftian lore?
this kind of thing reminds me of mcmeditation and jack of twitter.
sure. but where is this thing? vast amount of teaching material contains "koan", "zen", "dao". fetishisation at the fullest. it's like anything that comes from the east is like an animal in the zoo. where's golang for stoic or haskell for cynic or java for hedonist?