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I guess I've been summoned.

We're primarily focusing on VSCode, IntelliJ and Neovim for Cody. Of course I'll be working on an Emacs version, but that's kinda best-effort for now.

As for the new crop of codegen models, they seem to be getting to parity with GPT/Claude/Bard-class models for code autocompletions, but not so much for other tasks.

We're working on incorporating OSS models, but I'd be surprised if they're ready for prime-time this year. I think next year they'll be huge.

Just my $0.02, take with a grain of salt. Shit moves fast.

I think "best-effort" would be a good tagline for emacs

excuse me @dang a ban is in order

please share that elisp when you get around to the emacs version. it doesn't matter if it sucks, you can't let this t.j. hooligan get the last laugh.

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