> We perceive distant time to run slow because we're falling into a black hole.
We’re not falling into it
The mass of Sagittarius A* is 4.1 million solar masses while the mass of the galaxy is 1.5 trillion solar masses.
Our orbital velocity easily exceeds the necessary velocity to orbit Sagittarius A* at our current distance.
You feel more gravity from a paperclip a meter away than you do from Sag A*
> We perceive distant time to run slow because we're falling into a black hole.
We’re not falling into it
The mass of Sagittarius A* is 4.1 million solar masses while the mass of the galaxy is 1.5 trillion solar masses.
Our orbital velocity easily exceeds the necessary velocity to orbit Sagittarius A* at our current distance.
You feel more gravity from a paperclip a meter away than you do from Sag A*