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Ask HN: What are the best tools for job search?
8 points by rrmdp 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
Do you know tools to make the life easier when looking for a job?

Do you think that AI resume or cover letter tools are helpful?


I’ve actually built Resgen[0] to help tailor resumes to job descriptions. It’s been a boon for my own job search, getting me a lot more call backs. I plan to build it out to a whole personal recruiter that sources and applies to jobs for me.

As for sites, LinkedIn and Otta are the two that I’ve had the most results from.

[0] https://resgen.app

This sounds like a really useful tool I’ll definitely give it a try

Seems very cool! Might give it a try

Building a network of people, preferably over a wider geographic area and nurturing those relations.

These people could be a mix of people you know in person or on social media, particularly on Twitter, LinkedIn and perhaps GitHub.

You typically meet these people via events (conferences, hiking, kickball, running, etc) and shared interests.

I've used chatgpt to improve both my resume and cover letter. It takes a decent amount of finesse to dial it in but it's very much worth the time and effort. That's about it for me. I monitor about 10 different job sites, along with several other subreddits, slack teams, and discord servers

Do you have a tool to monitor the jobs sites? What sites are those?

No tool to monitor, I just setup email notifications for each job site so I get emails regularly

I wrote one. It's in my comments feed.

Hands down LinkedIn is the single one.

Other than that - I haven't found anything useful among myriads of cv-ai-smart-ml-web3-bla-bla tools that are all over the internet these days.

I might only use Grammarly and ChatGPT for more or less adequate outreach.


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