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One of the best things about getting a smart watch was the vibration is always right there, no more worrying I left my phone in another room and could miss a call or it was sitting on something to soft to easily notice. One light vibration on the wrist for important notifications, small sets for an incoming call. All other noises/dings/buzzes off.

I had the original Apple Watch on pre-order and have worn Apple Watches ever since. I have found them to be completely life-changing when it comes to managing notifications without being forced to just turn all of them off.

Beforehand I found that by the time I’d taken my phone out of my pocket in response to a sound or vibration, the battle was already lost and I was distracted. The urge to unlock and investigate a notification when it’s already right there in your hand is difficult to resist, not to mention that it’s super easy to start just flicking through other things or diving into other apps just because they are there.

On the other hand, the watch is far more subtle, it’s more glanceable, it doesn’t require me to stop what I’m doing to look at it, I can decide in an instant whether I want or need to take action on something and I spend considerably less time with my phone in my hand as a result.

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