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I don’t believe that time travelers live among us… but this kind of thing makes me wonder.

UTF-16 is proof that time machines don't exist, and even that they'll never exist.

More seriously, the fact that so many terrible things in the past are not fixed is pretty strong indication that time travel for fixing the past is not feasible.

> UTF-16 is proof that time machines don't exist, and even that they'll never exist.

Are you assuming that, if time machines ever exist, the people with access to them must be benevolent, or at least interested in our convenience?

Oh. Wow, yeah, maybe UTF-16 is proof that time machines do exist.

Maybe it is a punishment from the gods. A sort of technological tower of babel handicap to take us down a peg.

Right at the start of the radio boom. A bit like us seeing LLMs now and joking about AGI robot interactions.

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