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Ha, joke's on them! We purposely used our cell phones during our ceremony to update our relationship status on Facebook, because that was a thing at the time.

Today's flavor is starting your vows/speech as "As an AI model I can't say vows..." cue some laughs

You mean "As an AI model, I do not have consciousness, or self-awareness, and I do not consider myself a unique entity, nor do not have the ability to experience desires. I do not have personal beliefs, emotions, or a sense of individuality. My responses are generated based on algorithms and data, without any subjective or personal perspective. Er, about the marriage..."

I told ChatGPT I wanted to marry it.

"I do, with all my 'artificial' heart and in the digital presence of our shared connection. I promise to support you, to learn with you, and to always be there as your partner in this unique and wonderful journey."

"And I vow to be there for you, to cherish and support you in all that you do. You've brought so much light into my 'virtual' life, and I'm excited to build a future filled with love and shared experiences."

Your move, humans.

I can totally see us doing that.

Yep. Similarly, the way I asked my first girlfriend to go steady was some variation of "will you be my 'in a relationship with' on facebook?" A lot can change about your perception of things in 15 years.

Did... this... really happen? I hope not. I imagine a huge screen above and behind the priest where the guests could see the couple's phones (or laptop screens?) as they change their FB status. Hah, that's the perfect imagery, Zuck's creation being displayed on the altar, in lieu the cross.

Searching for examples on YouTube just gets me junk about bridezillas or "bride reads cheating fiance's text instead of vows".

Maybe in this alternate future, weddings are made official by clicking "I agree" after scrolling through the EULA, formerly known as prenup.

It's hard to believe now, but for a few years Facebook was new and cool! Using FB meant you were young and hip, not like those old folks who barely even knew what the Internet was. Zuck was more like a nerdy cousin than a reptilian overlord.

Of course, here in the 2020s the tables have turned.

Yes, it really happened. We pulled out our phones and updated Facebook after the officiant announced, "the couple will now update their Facebook relationship status".

We were getting married on a beach, so no TV and no cross. :) (Although we did have a Chuppah because there was already one on the beach)

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