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I wonder how practical it would be to build cards for these older machines that have hardware acceleration for various things like TLS, and perhaps also decoders for JPEG, PNG, etc. Also wonder if it would make more sense to implement this with decoder chips and a cheap ARM chip or an FPGA of some kind.

You might be interested in this web rendering proxy [1] which turns webpages into imagemapped GIFs for use on old systems

[1] https://github.com/tenox7/wrp

That's cool!

Another thing you could do is use say Mosh or Telnet to use Browsh. Browsh allows you to run Firefox in a terminal.

Well, that's more or less what things like the TCP/IP modems are already. You could just add an optional TLS layer on it.

Go all the way and you'll get something like this: https://www.wic64.de/

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