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Interpreting Girard: seven lectures on mimetic theory (johnathanbi.com)
26 points by nvader 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I watched through this series a few months ago. It was very well done and was a great introduction to Girard for the uninitiated.

I watched this a while back. Or at least, I tried to watch it.

In my opinion, it was incredibly pretentious - so much so that it made it hard to listen to.

Just read the book instead...

agreed - i couldnt stand them. Very much "rich kids" @ elite uni air about their presentation - way too slick and polished, and way too dressed up...if i wasnt focusing i'd think they were taking the piss out of themselves...also too much self congratulating going on.

Saving you a click: this is about "René Girard’s Mimetic Theory". Nothing to do with Jean-Yves Girard of typed lambda calculus, linear logic, and other nerdy things.

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