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Revisit “Turn-On” Computerized TV Show Canceled Half-Way Thru First Episode (openculture.com)
5 points by ynac 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Alas, the show was not canceled during broadcast live, on air.

It was a pre-recorded program.

Some interesting ideas in using the camera: a dialogue, two actors, taking turns. One speaks, and then the camera zooms in on that actor’s face as they turn and stare into the camera, the screen splits into four quarters to reveal the two actors, still in conversation. The camera zooms into a tight close up of the second actor’s face, and another quadrant continues the conversation…

Other techniques of sort of a video rotoscoping, actors popping into the frame as if by magic, then disappearing, or strange speed changes used to comedic effect.

Or such was the intention. I found it neither particularly funny, or indeed watchable, for more than the first fifteen minutes. Which is indeed how long the series run lasted.

But the blip-vert, rapid succession of one gag after another, with no logic or break between segments, some which are just the quick one-liner joke: it’s different.

It’s Video Vaudeville.

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