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Elon Musk's Latest Big Idea for X Is Removing the Block Button (ign.com)
6 points by paulpauper 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Lol what a circus Twitter is becoming the only thing he could do to save it is to remove the ad algorithim and focus on a truly free social platform built on a protocol . Like a relay system . But your data is too profitable for rocket man to change

They continue to move away from the vision of the user being in control of their content and not opaque algorithms.

I submitted this feature request that was highly ranked, but certainly will never be implemented.


its not surprising that they did not implement your request although there is something similar that has been created on a protocol called nostr which a user is given a private and public key and connects via relays there is an app for ios called Damus for iOS https://damus.io Amethyst for Android

its been out for over a year but most people dont take privacy as seriously as they should .


another tool for spammers, in addition to the '25k bug' and gold/blue verification

twitter will become a spammer's paradise even more than it is now

What, have the remaining "libs" blocked enough Qanons that trolling isn't fun any more?

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