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Hands on with Apple Vision Pro in the Wild (appleinsider.com)
8 points by MBCook 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The most important point IMHO

> The headset in use weighs a hair over a pound on the head. It's balanced well with just the back-strap especially after you crank on the knob to get the tightness right. Over the course of the hour and a half or so I got to use the headset after setup, some light neck fatigue set in. Other headsets like the Valve Index are worse, though.

Some of the coolest prototyping happening in public is WebXR experiments focusing on spatial computing. Being able to open dozens of objects/documents and interact with them in a spatial way is something we've never been able to do with computers. Look at a UX team's walls, they are filled with mock-ups arrange in space.

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