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What videos would they recommend to you anyway?

The same ones they used to? They can surface up videos from channels you’re subbed to that you haven’t watched. They could show you videos you started to watch like netflix does. They could show next up for playlists. Lots of options if they actually cared about their product and not just getting you into an algorithm loop

> They can surface up videos from channels you’re subbed to that you haven’t watched. They could show you videos you started to watch like netflix does.

All of those things depend on tracking your viewing history.

It could also show you videos that are trending and watched by people that are subbed to the same things you're subbed to. They definitely have that information. Or old videos of people you're subbed to and haven't upvoted or downvoted or whatever.

This *was* a very powerful and useful feature they've ripped from us.

Mysteriously I'm also seeing videos I already watched(!) and what I can only imagine is videos that someone paid to promote and Google doesn't care I'm not remotely the target audience

They could show what's popular across the platform, what's new and/or popular in your subscriptions, etc.

Do users here actually want youtube to show you "what's popular across the platform" i.e. the default youtube homepage?

I do, but on closer thought, perhaps I shouldn't

It's good in the "I just want to peruse and find something unusual/interesting" sense

If nothing else, absently happening across what's new or popular

It's a massive time sink and probably best spent elsewhere

I wish they'd recommend me local videos or videos about my area.

same as for non-logged in users, namely popular for various categories

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