I created this website about a month ago to solve a problem I was facing myself as an aspiring digital nomad. It is very important to find an accommodation with fast and reliable Internet. I also specifically wanted places with Ethernet access to minimize latency as much as possible since I (and many others) use a VPN hosted back at home.
The database is in its infancy but covers 11 countries so far. I realize the UX is very basic and a minimum viable product. I intend to have someone help me overhaul the design (with ReactJS perhaps) to make it mobile friendly and more appealing.
- Which AirBNB hosts actually have a good "dedicated workspace". Criteria: at least a 30" deep desk, and a comfortable adjustable height office chair.
- Which AirBNB rental units actually have fast internet. Ideal in a perfect world: Let me ping their router, or somehow get the airbnb host to visit https://speedof.me or a similar site, then upload the results. (i.e. -- once per day or once per week, live wifi speed data from that Airbnb Host's rental unit is uploaded to a site where I can access the speed data publicly)
- (This one is more of a "local cafe" functionality) Which AirBNB rental units have a cafe with strong, reliable wifi within <toggable> distance. i.e. let me toggle a .5 km, 1km, 2.5km, etc radius. Show cafes within that radius as well as their wifi