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This is super interesting, but I have some questions.

I’ve explored running @Edge for performance gains and overall improved user experiences, but always have struggled with services like this (or fly.io or even just running my own VMs) and their data center locations.

Looking at your integrations page, for example, you call out PlanetScale so il use that as an example to illustrate my challenge. Koyeb has a region in SFO. PlanetScale’s closest region is in Oregon. For a database connection, that’s a lot of latency which likely undermines the performance gains of running a service at edge (at least in my use cases).

I’ve evaluated just rolling my own database replication for Edge and it’s not a huge deal but often finding information about data center providers to try and pair data with the compute can be challenging.

So the queries I’d like to pose: Are you able to provide Speedtest endpoints or data center information for collocating other resources near each deployed Koyeb region? Do you plan to offer lower level access to compute to address this kind of use case? Is there another implementation angle to this I am missing?

Agree, data location is indeed a central challenge when building globally distributed apps.

We picked the largest peering points in Europe and the US for the two first locations aka Washington / US-East and Frankfurt in Europe. For the following 4 locations which we announced last week in early access [1], we tried to pick the next best-interconnected locations on the world map: SFO / the valley, Singapore, Paris, and Tokyo.

We definitely need to do a better job in the doc [2], we can definitely provide some mapping matrix and will be working on some latency measurements/speedtest/iperf servers.

In this direction, did you look at PolyScale [3]? They do the job of database caching at Edge.

What do you have in mind regarding lower-level access to compute? We're looking at providing block storage and direct TCP/IP support if that's what you have in mind.

[1] https://community.koyeb.com/t/changelog-25-san-francisco-sin...

[2] https://www.koyeb.com/docs/reference/regions

[3] https://www.koyeb.com/docs/integrations/databases/polyscale

If you are comparing edge-computing providers, you should also check out EdgeNode (https://edgenode.com/)

Disclaimer: I am building EdgeNode with my friend.

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