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> It will get bypassed easily.

For now. But we're slowly walking towards the future where you can only consume web using an official and conformant browser running on a locked-down platform. That'd make it considerably harder for spammers, but of course spam isn't what this is about, it's more like a cherry on top.

I think it will be more of a nationalized identification which is scary. It's the only way I can think of to actually get rid of spam at a "low entry barrier"

I see it like everything else we use for communication. Still junk mail, still robo calls, still spam texts. And you will still get spam under your nationalized id. But YOU(the individual) won't be allowed to do the same.

Edit: on a brighter side with high capacity drives being cheap and various wireless protocols sneaker net might be a thing. Your info won't be up to date but maybe that's not so bad, no doom scrolling. Beware the honeypots though.

Yes, one you get to needing a fake passport, or other equally stringent ID, from a list of authorized countries, the price per spam bot will basically be too high for any viable commercial spam.

This might actually be a pretty enjoyable experience for a lot of users. If every user can be assured that every communciation is actually from a real person, or a real organization that can be sued, or at least a fake personality that someone put tens of thousands of dollars behind.

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