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Bears Are Climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park (yourcentralvalley.com)
11 points by LinuxBender 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

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Come on what decade is this? So stupid.


The decade in which countries have decided that they want to require companies to invest significant amount of money into ensuring they are protecting user's privacy or other rights if those companies want to operate in those countries. The countries enforcing those policies have a lot of defenders here, though I think most of them are ignorant of both what those policies require of companies and of what they guarantee to users. I may be portraying that negatively, but I'm not sure that I think those policies are wrong (certainly the common understanding of them is wrong).

I think it's either naive or disingenuous to claim that there's no reason for companies to block regions with these policies.

That is victim blaming. Or something like it. It is not the countries fault for trying to provide protection against datatheft of its citizens by powerful corporations. That site could choose not to collect and share data and all would be fine.

It's possible they didn't want to implement GDPR requirements.

Fine in Canada, could be blocked for Europeans only

   Whether at camp or on the trail, they advise always to keep backpacks and scented items within arm’s reach since bears and other animals like the Half Dome ground squirrels will approach unattended bags quickly and will try to take their contents.
This is especially true of raccoons! My wife almost lost her whole backpack this way, and the only food it contained was some Doritos. Trash panda's aren't discriminatory.

I found the climb up the cable to the summit scary enough as it was. I can't imagine what you'd do encountering a bear on there.

I don't think people should be too concerned with black bears in the Sierras. I had a lot of run ins, they just saunter or run away. Especially when you'll be surrounded by 100 other people on that rock. Mountain lions, on the other hand...

Yeah, it's usually all good until there are cubs.

I climbed Snake Dike[0] a while back, this is the climb up the long gradual face. Relatively easy climb that is a lot of fun and something that doesn't require a huge amount of experience (although I recommend hiring a guide or doing it with experienced people).

The hard part was the hike there, climbing down the cables and the hike back, about 12 hours round trip back to the valley, and we were almost running for some of it.

The day we did it, someone fell off the over crowded cables and died, we were already off the mountain and could hear the screams.

[0] https://www.mountainproject.com/route/105836362/snake-dike

A couple of decades back, I was on my way back down from Half Dome and there was a bit of a traffic jam in the trees of jittery hikers and even more nervous pack horses--a black bear was about 50 yards ahead. Without warning, the bear made a dash for a deer not seen (by humans) until startled.

The bear had made a considered cost/benefit analysis that it could catch a deer. Still gives me the willies.

Which route? How do they afford the gear? Have you seen what carabiners go for!?

Not my bears... Not my zoo...

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