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> whole blood collected by blood banks that had passed its 42-day storage limit was centrifuged to remove cells

This seems like a great business? Blood banks get to monetize what would have otherwise been a waste product. And we get more data. Why is it creepier than standard organ donation?

> The clinical trial has no control arm and so is neither randomized nor blind.

There isn't really an experiment being run, just the waste product --> money pipeline.

As long as we can extract $8000 per transfusion from extremely wealthy people, that's a massive win for humanity, even if there are no experiments being run.

I'm not sure how "we" extract that. Wealthy people do spend money - on caviar and private jets for instance - should "we" be celebrating this as well?

A lot of normal middle class and upper-middle class jobs are created by the private jet industry. The entirety of Bombardier is now focusing on private jets for example.

> isn't really an experiment being run, just the waste product --> money pipeline

You're claiming we have all the clinical data we need on this treatment model?

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