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Theres a man, Bryon Johnson who is a client of this sort of thing. His life reads like a Bond villain: rich billionaire with body dysmorphia issues who spends millions on it, now takes blood transfusions from his teenage son to feel young despite looking like an average person his age.

Wasn't the blood transfusion more of a one, or few, time thing just to see if they could measure any effect?

AFAIK, they didn't get any effect that they could measure. I think his bloodwork was already really good in the first place. If that's the case, then people don't need blood tranfusion to get healthy.

> despite looking like an average person his age

That's very charitable.

Afaik he only did it a few times and stopped when he didn't see a difference in his bloodwork.

Interesting, parabiosis (merging vascular systems) between young and old mice did have large benefits.

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