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AB testing is mostly a waste of time (ronakganatra.com)
15 points by fmerian 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

The example is a blue vs orange button? What value does this post hold that hasn't been said with greater rigour elsewhere? If your org is testing stupid shit your AB tests will be stupid. The only time your tests should have that level of granularity is if is incidental because you are Indeed and testing, feature flagging, releases, etc. are all rolled into a single fully integrated tool like Proctor so everything gets tested by default all the time with a deviation alerts.

> What value does this post hold that hasn't been said with greater rigour elsewhere?

I've seen people do that A/B shit in real life, I've been a part of that A/B shit because I was the one who saw these idiotic dances with small changes, I was the one who swore and cursed when my usual functionality was changed to some ridiculous workflow only to be brought back a month later.

Yes, most of the time you don't need to tell what water is wet. Sadly, there are many, many, many people who are in position to change and they learned about A/B ~yesterday. You are forgetting there is a constant influx of new people in the industry and something obvious for anyone with 5Y of experience is terra incognita for someone who is new.

Electric drills are mostly useless.

I tried using an electric drill to hammer nails and it broke.

I was hired to do A/B testing, then they hired B to replace me.

Please give me my two seconds back. This is utter rubbish.

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