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The bible gives Adam & Eve the dignity of the Fig Leaf If you look at Christopher Rufos reporting a lot of school libraries are getting graphic novels that are sexually explicit and show penetration https://youtu.be/S--HBxnCeKM There's also a whole genre of viral videos which follow this call response pattern C:This book is inappropriate for our children to read I want this off our school library shelves R: That's just your opinion lady we're not going to change the status quo C:Let me read what I found inappropriate in that book onto the record R:You can't say that at school board meeting that's inappropriate get out get out get out

The Bible is a collection of many different texts written long long ago with no pictures.

Various people have added various pictures to various versions those texts subject to their own cultural norms.

Many cultures have no issues with various levels of undress that would horrify a Mennonite.

> graphic novels that are sexually explicit and show penetration

OMG the horror.

Myself and multitudes of others grew up in rural areas and saw bulls, stallions, rams, put to cows, mares, and ewes from a young age in addition to browsing medical texts that showed similar things wrt both humans and animals.

Get over it and try to be a little less prudish.

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