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It's also annoying to smell bad cologne liberally applied when walking around, or teenagers wearing a lot of Axe body spray, or body odor from non-showered people in the metro. Why can't they keep their smell in their homes?

I don’t think you’re doing your arguments favors by comparing weed smell to other avoidable bad smells of people people behaving anti-socially..

As an externality, secondhand smoke tends to affect others. Those affected usually aren't happy about it.

There are many externalities that affect others... think of noise, smell, etc. Our parent chose smell as an example. I don't see what's wrong or inappropriate with that.

In the end, you have to find some middle ground, and then you have to manage that middle ground, which usually means keeping at bay those who want to ban externalities as well as those who simply want to make no concessions to those affected.

It's classic, really.

This specific German draft contains very specific ideas on where you can and where you can not smoke and is about to radically reduce the spaces where patients can use medical cannabis as well. We'll see whether parliament will change that.

They happen, and are legal. If weed is legal where you smell it then it's not much different and being annoyed by it won't change much, just like body odor, bad cologne, etc.

That's my point :)

And you’re missing OP‘s point. There is a lot of trashy behavior that is legal, that doesn’t make it right (ethically). Our societies have worked without putting everything into law, instead relying on public decency.

We don’t put into law how often and how you have to wash yourself, we just assume that most people will do it. But if everyone stopped washing themselves and public transport and the workplace became unbearable you would see legislature follow. Likewise if everyone overused deodorant.

I suggest that you consider Kant’s categorical imperative: “ Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law”.

What would our society be like if everyone smoked weed and did so everywhere? That would be unenjoyable even for weed smokers. “Others do it too” or “but not everyone does it” don’t make the actions of the few ethical.

Yeah I thought that was ridiculous. Basically "other people throw garbage on the ground so I think it's fine to litter".

Good luck trying to regulate how other people can smell in public. Littering at least is a very visible blight that can be somewhat enforced.

I'm advocating not being an asshole, I never mentioned regulation. There is rightfully social stigma about stinking, littering, other antisocial behavior. Just because someone can be disgusting doesn't mean we should be cool with it.

Lol it's amazing to see how defensive people get about letting people use their dirty drugs in public.

In Canada this has gotten way worse since it's been legalized. I belive it should be legal, but I don't belive being an asshole and burning super smelly stuff in the park or street or apartment should be tolerated by society. I have no idea what the solution is. Our condo building prohibits it, which I'm fine with because I don't use it, but I suppose if that's widespread it makes people go outside with it.

Many things are super smelly. Some people apply an atrocious amount of perfume, but somehow we live with it. I also don't think weed smells that bad in an open area.

And some things like durian end up being restricted in places just for the smell. Places have so many scent policies now that it's been quite awhile since I really noticed a perfume on someone. Personally I think weed smell really lingers even outside, and can't stand it. I don't have an issue with it being legal though, but smell is a definite issue.

Cigarette smokers are by far the worst offenders for this here in Germany, stinking up everyone's apartments all summer long when we have to keep the windows open, sparking up on crowded train platforms without a care in the world...

They're as addicted as they come, to a first class drug; are you going to call them "junkies" too? What about people who drink alcohol and make it everyone else's problem?

Seriously, that language is offensive af, wisen up please.

Edit: can't help but notice quite a lot of similarities between Dudester230602 and veave accounts (profile age, topics commented on, use of language, generally rocking the boat...).

I know you're trolling, but humor me, why do you call people who smoke weed junkies?

Wh cant prudes just stay at the church all of the time? There is no reason for them to be walking out and about.


Junkies? Stop trolling.

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