If anyone happens to have Matthew Prince's direct email, could you ping him on this thread? Cloudflare's own support process is broken and I find no email contacts.
I'm among several HN members who're experiencing an endless ReCAPTCHA loop when attempting to access Archive Today (<https://archive.today> a/k/a AT) or any of its various domain aliases:
As a practical upshot, as AT is the principle viable workaround for paywalled articles on HN, which means that HN is now left without a reliable option for such submissions. This becomes a policy issue for HN itself.
I've heard back from AT's webmaster who writes in part "use of the archive by Hacker News regulars for piracy is problematic" and that it's "gone too far".
Which was not quite what I'd expected.
Implications for HN's policies and practices regarding paywalls are large.
Using Cloudflare ( vs. Google ( I get different IP resolution:
Results: Cloudflare: Fix your shit.