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Apparently I'm the dumbest person in the room and I haven't been told yet
2 points by frustratedgal on Aug 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Hello, I hope you are all well. I'm writing this somewhat frustrated, as I don't know exactly what I'm doing wrong.

I have been a software developer since 2018 and have been doing in backend development. I have 4 cloud certifications with near perfect scores. I am fluent in two languages, in addition to my native language, and have three bachelor's degrees (humanities and sciences). My cultural capital is above the norm. I've been successful in two of my previous jobs (not just normal kudos, but what I've done has made my former workplaces money, international clients, become cloud service provider partners, opened up to the public sector).

Now I work in a company where my bosses have been changed at least four times since I have worked here, and there is no consensus in the evaluations I have received, because some bosses are involved and others are not, as they know that they will soon be leaving for other teams and that leading us is transitory.

I do everything necessary to contribute: I help my colleagues, ask questions, take notes, talk to our end users, report to managers, show up whenever I am needed, keep our documentation up to date, discuss ideas, solutions. Everything. I've improved my productivity, my ability to focus, the way I do reviews, the way I deliver.

But it's been three years. No pay raises, no promotions. The current boss says he is happy with me. I have asked for more money this year twice: January and July. A big NO. Boss says "sorry, not this month, I've tried everything, I don't understand what's going on, but keep it up xoxo". I don't know if he tried or not, but I'm sure he just doesn't want me to get mad at him, so he has this soft attitude towards my needs. Also, none of my coworkers (except for the most senior one) have had pay raises, or promotions. My coworkers say my work is very good and they are pleased to have me on the team.

So of course there must be something else.

I've even come to think that maybe I'm retarded, or have some kind of mental deficiency that doesn't allow me to thrive going forward. Maybe I just don't fit into the software world and should pursue something else. But at the same time, I've invested 5 years of my life into this, so I don't want to throw it away.

Besides, I'm not a smartass who says "everyone is an idiot but me".

There's a saying that if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong place. But what if maybe you're the dumbest person on the team?

I don't want to change jobs and find more money and promotions somewhere else. I want to master and overcome my current situation, otherwise I'll drag this problem into my next job.

What do you think?

Your boss is a loser. Just accept the fact you are working for a two faced person. Keep up the good work, don’t do any more than you have too. Look for a different job that will appreciate you.

I cannot see anything wrong. The boss says is happy with you and the coworkers say your work is very good, and you have not been fired, what you mention things which is good, so it look like reasonable to me.

But, about whether the boss tried or not when you asked for more money, that is something that clearly I wouldn't know, since I am not the boss. Things are unknown, and therefore cannot accurately be judged without learning the reason why your boss said such a thing.

(But, whether you want to stay or quit is your own decision.)

If you're not appreciated now, it's likely you just won't be. If bosses are giving you the run around, this is a clear indication of no promotion land. Sometimes mastering and overcoming the current situation is recognizing that it's time to leave the current situation.

For myself I can say this was an unsatisfactory reality with which to reconcile, however, it doesn't change the truth value.

Whatever your chosen path, I wish you the best.

You are not willing to leave your current position and this is enough. If your bosses know that you want to stay, they don't have an insentive to insentivize you to stay. You are supposedly good and cheap and that's perfect for them.

Get the hell out of their.

3 years is what a software developer spends on average at a company nowadays. Just start looking for a new job.

As an advice for the future, when you ask for pay increase and your boss says no - ask what what you need to do to get it.

Based on your previous jobs, you did well. I presume you were suitably paid as well. So based on that you can safely assume that you're doing Ok.

From your description, it appears that you are currently working in a toxic environment. They haven't promoted you nor have they increased your pay. In other words you have kept your end of the bargain and they haven't. So the obvious decision is to move on.

When in a toxic environment with incompetent management, you simply cannot master and overcome the situation. It is not for you to de-tox your workplace.

I think that if you want something, you have to go and take it. Perhaps you are not the dumbbest, but you also seem rather comfortable in accepting a mediocre situation for yourself.

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