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TweetDeck is officially a paid service (theverge.com)
31 points by lysp 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This was apparently the final straw for me. I have no interest in using the default interface nor in paying for TweetDeck. I logged out and have no intention of logging back in.

I've been an avid TweetDeck user since 2016, but the "new" TweetDeck that was rolled out this past month is unbelievably slow and unresponsive on my machine—I'd say load and response times are ~20% the speed they used to be (as in, 5x slower).

As a result, I've been on Twitter significantly less because I dread loading up the page (on top of generally feeling embarrassed to be on the platform lately).

I was prepared to fork over whatever monthly fee would let me kept using TweetDeck. But after this massive performance downgrade, chances are slim that I will.

I will never forget using TweetDeck from now on. Mastodon has a TweetDeck-like interface under the "advanced UI" toggle.

It definitely makes me sad to see the internet go back to the days of the walled garden.

I understand to a certain extent, these businesses, must be businesses. I don't like it, but I have to agree that it does in fact exist.

> It definitely makes me sad to see the internet go back to the days of the walled garden.

It doesn't have to. I don't see it as an end but as a fork in the road.

This is great. I hope this trend continues and X becomes a wholly paywalled site. Pay to post, extra for images, doubly so for gifs. Pay to retweet, double for quote tweet. Essentially every function should have a monetary cost.

Maybe they could even charge people to read tweets! Think of all the money they could make!

Every time you click on a link to a tweet it should redirect you to a page that asks for your debit card, this will maximize revenue

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