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I don't think VTs should be used in practice until Java 22, when it is likely that synchronization (monitors) will be supported [1]. A lot of code may synchronize and be non-trivial to convert to a ReentrantLock, such as ConcurrentHashMap's computeIfAbsent. This can lead to surprising failures outside of the application author's control, such as [2].

Go was originally non-preemptive ("the loops problem"). This was changed in 2019 to preempt at safepoints [3]. The Java team will probably have to do this too [4], but similarly it is low on their priority list and requires feedback.

java.util.concurrent is still the basis of good Java concurrency. Some external libraries for reactive or actors might become less popular, but they were always the minority. There will be some improvements with structured concurrency to make that a little bit easier, but the fundamental approach will remain the same. I think old advice will be relevant, except when it comes to thread pool sizing (which was always a black art). At best some over eager use of async will go away and we'll return to simpler blocking code.

[1] https://github.com/openjdk/loom/commit/24e80bdee3eaf347f2eab...

[2] https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/loom-dev/2023-July/005990...

[3] https://go.dev/src/runtime/preempt.go

[4] https://github.com/openjdk/loom/tree/preempt-support

[5] https://openjdk.org/jeps/453

Were original Java green threads preemptive (and at safepoints)?

It is sad that Googling didn't find the answer by ChatGPT did.


Here's an excerpt from the book "Java Threads" by Scott Oaks and Henry Wong, published by O'Reilly Media, which discusses green threads:

"Green threads provide a thread abstraction to the application, allowing the programmer to write multithreaded programs without worrying about the underlying OS support. However, because they're implemented at the user level, they are not subject to preemptive multitasking by the underlying OS. Instead, they must voluntarily yield control to other threads. If a green thread fails to do this, it can effectively freeze all other green threads in the system."

This excerpt supports the fact that green threads were not preemptive and relied on voluntary cooperation to switch control between threads.

Thanks! I remember that book, but i do not have it.

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