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What's wrong with that? Rocketry and airplanes and the internet and railroads and nuclear power etc. all started with government and military uses and investments, but so?

The federal government gives out money for lots of things, but they fail often (rural broadband? functional healthcare? prisons? education?).

Arguably the government acts as a research incubator for new sectors, and I'm glad he turned them into functional everyday businesses that consumers can afford (well, except SpaceX).

Zuck and Bezos also built off government research and funds... the transportation and communication networks. So what?

> > Zuck and Bezos also built off government research and funds... the transportation and communication networks. So what?

Nope. AT&T built on top of governmental transportation and communication network, Zuck built on top of AT&T , his billions are less tainted because they are further removed from the horrendous practice of pointing guns at taxpayers heads to finance the centrally planned economic project du jour such as the Apollo rockets or the LHC or the Bubble telescope which won’t ever yield anything for the poor shmucks who financed it

I see. I'm afraid I don't share your views on government projects or the purity of money.

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