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TypingMind Custom: Customizable, Self-Hostable “ChatGPT” UI (typingmind.com)
7 points by Palmik 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Thank you for posting this :) I'm the founder.

The landing page is still a work in progress, but the product is fully operational.

Happy to answer any question!

Bought license pretty much immediately after release, solely on the basis of it being snappy relative to bloated, browser-killing official ChatGPT frontend, and never looked back. Almost all my use of with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, both on OpenAI and Azure OpenAI, has been through TypingMind. It's not perfect, and not equivalent to the Playground interface, but since day one to now, it's been miles ahead of OpenAI's ChatGPT webapp (and the recently released Android app, too) - and the frequent (~weekly) feature updates are pretty much dopamine fuel for me.

I rarely give glowing reviews to software, but this one deserves it.

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