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FEC moves towards potentially regulating AI deepfakes in campaign ads (apnews.com)
39 points by anigbrowl 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

So that politicians can be immune to the societal effects of the new tech. The serfs can fend for themselves

I think that most would agree with 2024 coming quick, getting this situation taken care of with regards to political campaigns might be a little more important than dealing with Joe and Jane down the street...

Considering a certain politician is getting special treatment, based on the "I dare you to jail me" attitude around threatening judges... Do you really think a new rule will prevent politicians in that party from abiding by any regulation?? Rules typically work best if they have equal treatment.

Personally I'd start outside of politics, which would help make precedent be very obvious.

So fakes are ok (hello Facebook), but deep fakes are not.

This will be used to stop whistleblowers.

We saw the media lie and claim Hunter Biden's laptop was a fake, which illegally changed the outcome of the 2020 US Presidential Election. Not one media person has gone to prison for that.

Fake claims that embarrassing videos are deeo fakes will rig the 2024 US Presidential Election.

In other headlines FEC also shouts at the sky. Seriously how are you going to regulate this sort of Tech, it's akin to trying to stop piracy, it's just not going to able to be stopped.

You're confusing the actual campaign with twitter trolls. The actual campaign is registered, and is required to obey a variety of laws.

They can levy fines on campaigns.

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