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The repo contains the UI code, not the model or anything else around ChatGPT, it just uses Azure’s ChatGPT API which doesn’t share data with OpenAI.

So basically – what you really need to do to run Azure ChatGPT is go and click some buttons in the Azure portal. This repo is a sample UI that you could possibly use to talk to that instance, but really you will probably always build your own or embed it directly into your products.

So calling the repo "azurechatgpt" is misleading. It should really be "sample-chatgpt-api-frontend" or something of that sort.

Correct. If offers a front-end scaffolding for your enterprise ChatGPT app. Uses Next/NextAuth/Tailwind etc. for deployment on Azure App Service that hooks into Azure Cosmos DB and Azure OpenAI (the actual model).

Yes exactly

Isn’t there also some sort of backend stuff in there? How else would it keep track of history and accept documents.

I don’t know enough typescript to understand where the front end stops and the backend begins I this code

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