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I get that, and the update is much appreciated. I don't mean to insinuate that this was the intention behind why that language was chosen; its just the sentiment that the language conveys, and that's why I'm not a fan of it.

The stance that I take is; its a fine line between Oversharing and Passing Blame in outages like this, and while I'm happy that a line like that when shared by Render means it was just oversharing (I love your product!), its easy to see how a line like that when shared by a less admirable company could be seen as "Nah man, its not on us, we didn't do anything wrong." A critical difference being; if Cloudflare was the cause, how are we working toward avoiding this cause in the future; which leads nicely to where pointing at Cloudflare (or any upstream provider) generally feels more agreeable; the retro.

To be clear; I have no intention of leaving Render, even if y'all weren't planning to alleviate this SPOF. I fully grok the difficult engineering required to nuke SPOFs like Cloudflare or AWS; and a bit of downtime here and there is a price I'm fine with paying.

Heard, loud and clear. Thanks for the support.

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